But yes, it was one of those days where you go, "Ugh. Monday." For a visual depiction of my mood, we have a perfect descriptor from http://www.icanhascheezburger.com/:

My day started with waking up at 5 am (alarm set to go off at 5:30) and realizing that I hadn't yet finished my online neuro case that was due at 5 pm. I had planned to finish it after class was over at 3 pm but then I scheduled Simon to have his blood donor screening, which would take up my time after classes.
So with that realization, and the knowledge that my day also included 2 exams, there was no way I was going back to sleep. I unhappily crawled out of bed and got on the treadmill for 20 minutes of jogging and virology study.
Then I left at 6:40 to drive to school (hoping the traffic would be lighter, which it was slightly, but the massive fog made up for it).
Fortunately I got to mostly finish my neuro case before class started at 8. That relieved a minor amount of stress.
The next task, however, was my 12 pm lunch-hour finance exam. Of course, it was way easier than I even expected (and I expected it to be pretty easy).
Last but not least was the somewhat-dreaded virology exam. Virology goes along with parasitology -- the first half of the semester was parasitology, and now we are learning virology in the same course (different instructor). So people's grades in the class thus far are not exactly stellar, owing to our terrible parasitology exams. Plus, dealing with a new professor, you never quite know how they'll write their exams, and what the difficulty and level of detail will be.
But it was almost laughably easy! (Okay, not that easy. But easy enough that I finished 50 questions in 13 minutes.)
What a relief to finally have an exam where you can walk out and think, "Wow, I definitely did not fail that! I might have gotten an 'A'!" After a long, tiring semester, we all deserved that.
And needless to say, Monday went steeply uphill after the virology exam. (And it helped even more to take Simon to the teaching hospital for his blood donor exam, and have everybody gush over how cute and handsome he is and how he has a "perfect temperament" and awesome behavior. Am I a proud mommy? You bet.)
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