Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Third time's the charm?

Last weekend I submitted my third vet school scholarship application in as many years.

And, as the financial section of the application so kindly reminded me, my tuition next year will be around $51,000.

Come on, scholarship committee! It's been 2.5 years with no scholarship (okay, except the $2500 incentive scholarship that was offered to me with my "Hey, you can come to our vet school if you want!" letter).

They tell us that there are more scholarships available for juniors than any other class.

Of course, they told us the same thing about sophomores last year.

But in any case, my student loan debt just keeps increasing each semester, so in that regard I've probably got more loans at this point than at least most of the freshmen.

I won't find out if I got a scholarship until next spring, so until then, keep those fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Did you point out that you might be scarfing down some dog pot roast next year (see post below) if you didn't get enough $?
