is a 9 week old, 4 1/2 lb sweet little German shepherd(?)-Husky(?) mix who came to the VTH in dire need of removal of his eensy-weensy testicles.
My other 5 cases on clinical anesthesia and Surgery C were all basically adult animals ranging from 12-180 lb, so I was a little nervous about anesthetizing such a tiny pediatric.
Fortunately, Molson did great with an atropine/hydromorphone pre-med, ketamine/valium induction, lidocaine intratesticular block, and some meloxicam and more hydro post-op. I got a 22g IV catheter into him after a couple tries (he got ferocious when I swabbed his leg with alcohol! What a tough puppy!) and successfully intubated him with a wee little 4.5 ET tube. He stayed pretty warm (thanks to a warm water blanket and a handy dandy heat lamp) and kept his heart rate up between 130 and 170. His blood pressure even stayed in a decent range, which can be an issue with pediatric patients. He was lounging in a pile of blankets and towels, basking in the glow of another heat lamp when I left him in the humane society ward. He's going to find an awesome home and grow up to be a fantastic doggie, I just know it!
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