Thursday, December 3, 2009

Logic? I think not.

Every semester of vet school, every student is required to pay a $120 fee for class notes. This isn't included in our tuition. It doesn't cover any of our textbooks or other supplies. It's just so we can get about a ream and a half of paper printed with all of the PowerPoint slides and supplements we'll need for the semester.

The price seems a bit high, but we begrudgingly pay it every semester. Admittedly, it is convenient to have everything printed out that you'll need (at least in theory). Plus, they don't exactly give us a choice.

The other thing we are supposed to get with our physical notes is a CD containing PowerPoint or PDF versions of everything that is printed -- so that we have a back up in case we lose anything, or a digital version if we just prefer that.

In mid-August, we all trooped over to the vet school bookstore, picked up our notes, and paid our $120 plus the several hundred additional dollars we owed for textbooks.

Shortly after, we received an email explaining that "Sorry, we did not get the CDs with the digital version of the notes made up in time. Some technical difficulties. We will get the CDs to you asap."

And, at long last, with a whopping 6 days remaining in the semester.... the CDs appeared in our mailboxes today!

-->sarcasmfont<-- Everybody is so excited about all the wonderful things we can do with this marvelous technology that has finally arrived! -->/sarcasmfont<--

But really, why do things logically? We'd much prefer that you wait till we are all stressed, and then rub it in that we haven't had this tool that we paid for, for 95% of the semester... People wonder why vet students are so picky and finicky and whiny when things don't go right. Well, it's because some of us are paying $48,000 in tuition and fees and we expect to be treated well.

(Do I sound stressed? I think I might be. Note to self: stop being so crabby all the time.)


  1. I stumbed across your blog randomly... I went to dental school and have been out about 2 years. This story is EXACTLY the same thing they pulled in dental school! I'm pretty sure there is a class on mental torture survivial- we are enrolled but they don't tell us! If you graduate without having a nervous breakdown- you pass! Good luck! Study hard! It does get better- I promise!!
    Dr. Cretella :)

  2. Dr. Cretella - glad to hear it is not just my school! It really makes me wonder what they are thinking sometimes.... Thanks for checking out my blog!
