Sunday, May 9, 2010

Classes are over. I'm over classes.

Sophomore year classes ended on Friday in an unexciting, demotivated, head-in-the-clouds fog.

Our last day wasn't too tough: two hours of Clin Sci (equine respiratory disease) and an hour of anesthesia.

We had a class potluck for lunch, followed by a slide show, followed by frisbee on the lawn. The slide show was pretty amusing - about 75% of it was a montage of pictures taken of people sleeping in class. I managed to escape photographic capture (how, I'm not sure). There was a hilarious video of one of my friends nodding off to sleep during a lecture. Since we sit toward the back of the room, most of my classmates had never seen him do this, so there were a lot of people asking "What day was that?" Answer: every day!

It's nice to be done with classes, but it hasn't fully hit me yet. Coming home from my handbell concert today, I was thinking about when I need to set my alarm for tomorrow morning (6:15? 6:30?) and then realized I don't have class! Nothing till my Clin Sci final at 11 am!

I really, really cannot wait until Thursday at around noon or 12:30, when all of my finals will be over. And I will be FREE. And it will be summer!

Upcoming: in-laws visiting and staying with us Wednesday through Sunday. Handbell concerts on May 15 and 18. Flying to Florida (!!!) May 19 and returning May 23. Start work at Giant Veterinary Corporation on May 24. Leave for Massachusetts on July 4. Return by August 13. And so life goes on.

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