Saturday, May 15, 2010

Out like a lamb (or a haze)

This semester just sort of fizzled out, without much excitement.

Part of it probably has to do with me being in a rhinovirus- and pharmaceutical-induced fog for the last 5 or 6 days. My sweet darling CLH shared his horrible cold with me, so I've been downing Sudafed, ibuprofen, and Benadryl like there's no tomorrow, sucking on cough drops like my life depends on it, and doing my best to effect an iatrogenic diuresis through the massive consumption of fluids. It hasn't helped - I keep feeling worse every day. (Although, to find a silver lining, I can at least say that the sore throat part is mostly gone, and I'm now just working through the congestion/runny nose/total fog phase.)

Anyway, illness combined with my already pathetic lack of motivation to study for this semester's finals made for a fairly unproductive week. Sure, I managed to review most of the important stuff, but it sure was nice to know that I didn't have to do particularly well on any finals.

Take anesthesia, for example. That was our final final (haha) - Thursday morning at 11:20. I walked into the lecture hall and was dismayed to see actual parts of an anesthesia machine sitting out on tables. As the instructor started explaining the exam, I think about half of us nearly broke into tears when he told us that the practical questions based on the anesthetic machine parts were questions number 87-94. Most of the test was multiple choice, but we had to write our name on each page of the exam. I remember misspelling my name (a few too many 'C's) at least twice. Haven't gotten that grade back yet, but I remain confident I got the 27% I needed.

I got a "114" on my Therio final, whatever that means. I have no idea how many points were available, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't 100, and I doubt it was 114. Whatevs, man. I'm over it.

Yesterday I dragged myself back to the VTH to train some new tour guides. This deserves at least one entire post to itself, but suffice it to say that a couple weeks ago I took over the role of coordinator for VTH tour guides, and soon discovered that (a) we needed three times as many tour guides for summer as I was told, (b) we didn't have enough regular guides able to work this summer, and (c) the previous coordinator didn't pass along some other information that would have been useful. So anyway, I think I sufficiently trained the 3 new guides in under an hour (or I hope I did).

This morning was spent cleaning up miscellaneous messes around the house, and making up the summer tour schedule in a Benadryl-induced fog.

Remaining until "real" summer starts on May 19? Two handbell concerts (one in Loveland tonight, one in Cheyenne on Tuesday), finish evaluating this semester's courses and instructors, and church on Sunday. And lots of sleep, assuming I don't die from mucopurulent nasal discharge-induced apnea during a nap.

(P.S. On a happy note, I have been in contact with the new office manager at the Giant Veterinary Corporation clinic where I'll be working again this summer. He seems super competent and already got me my first week's schedule, which is about 36 hours over 5 days with no two days off back-to-back, but he promises he will get me a better schedule after that. :-)

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