Friday, November 6, 2009

Humans are icky

This afternoon in Biology of Disease (pathology), we were talking about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - mostly the stomach and intestines. The lecture was accompanied by a Power Point showing us photos of histological and gross specimens.

We looked at intestinal cancers, ruptured stomachs, congested and hemorrhagic intestines, GDV, etc. etc. etc.

Then the instructor showed a photo of a colon polyp.

When the class read the caption on the slide that said "human colon polyp," there was a collective gasp of disgust followed by many variations of "Ewwwwww!"

Yep, we have no problem looking at any kind of broken, bloody, degenerated, rotting, cancerous, disgusting animal specimen, whether or not we're trying to eat our lunch, but show us something from a human and we are immediately grossed out. Go figure.


  1. Because humans are yucky and animals are says Disney.

  2. I agree with your dad!

  3. What do you all have against Disney?? :*(

  4. I love Disney! I think animals are gross. You all should be vegetarians.

    Just kidding.

    But only sort of. ;-)
