Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thank you, Microsoft Word

My last final exam is tomorrow -- anatomy -- so in preparation and study, I've been going through the objectives (read: study guides) for the topics on the exam. Knowing that I'll have to remember this information later for multiple reasons (including next fall's capstone exam, as well as the actual practice of veterinary medicine someday), I thought I'd try to make things easier in the future by typing up some of the answers to the objectives.

We have had a lot of lectures about embryology and how things develop -- with a significant emphasis on how things can go wrong and create congenital defects in a newborn animal. But anyway, Microsoft Word has decided it knows embryology better than I do. As I'm typing up my description of how the gastrointestinal tract develops, referencing the foregut, midgut, and hindgut, smarty-pants Word changes "midgut" to "midget" every time. So yes, things like the intestines do in fact develop from a midget. (Once I get sick of it, I'll add "midgut" to Word's dictionary, but it's still amusing right now.) Where would we be without midgets???

(Also, I don't think that's politically correct.)

1 comment:

  1. "Word changes "midgut" to "midget" every time."

    I feel like Dad would appreciate that...

