Monday, January 18, 2010

Reflections on 2009 (Part 3)

(Yes, I am leaving out some of the posts. I know, hard to believe.)

3/2/09: After whining about having such a mild winter last year, we are certainly making up for it currently.

3/3/09: While we unfortunately won't have a Square Root Day this year (indeed not for 6 more years), don't forget to celebrate these other fun March days.

3/5/09: Whoa, I bet I was really pleasant to be around during this week last March. You all are certainly a patient bunch for putting up with my rants!

3/9/09: Pleased to report I still feel healthy this year (barring the minor cold that hit me a couple weeks ago). Took 3 weeks off from exercising (yes I am lazy) in Dec/Jan but am now back on the treadmill with regularity. And once I'm back on a daily schedule, I will take my vitamins again!

3/18/09: Whoa, To-Do List FAIL! I did study and get Johnny vaccinated by the end of the month. I did not get a stethoscope or Colorado car registration until last month, and although the photos have now been framed, none of them are on the walls yet...

3/19/09: Haha, I get the point of what they are trying to accomplish with the freshman-year "breeds exams," but I can say with certainty that I remember <5% of what I "learned" for these tests last year.

3/25/09: See earlier comment about our garbage problems being solved. I knew we would be smarter than our cats, in the end!

3/26/09: Snow days rock. Unfortunately, we don't get many of them - none this year, although we did have one day when we got out an hour early in the afternoon. But February and March are still up ahead, with promises of severe winter weather!

3/26/09: Word of the Day blog! Which reminds me, I should actually update that sometime...

3/27/09: Oh, snap, Me-of-the-Past - I can now run THREE miles! (Though I never did do a 5K....)

3/28/09: Still glad writing assignments are kept to a minimum in vet school. Although I must brag that I composed a rockin' scholarship essay this week.

3/31/09: Wow. The bane of last semester's existence: Professional Writing class. Here's hoping this year's freshmen are experiencing a much-improved version.

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