Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I wouldn't make a good housewife...

I've been out of school for almost three full weeks now, and my brain is sick of hibernating. The first couple weeks went by pretty quickly - at first it was a relief to be done and be able to relax for a few days, then we spent a week in Minnesota visiting my family, then we had just a couple days to ourselves before CLH's family came to stay with for 5 days. They left on Saturday, and CLH and I had a "fun day" on Sunday, then he went back to work yesterday. And left me here at home, alone, with a bunch of chores and random stuff to do.

Let me just say, I have a huge respect for all the women (and men) who can stay at home all day and take care of the house and/or the kids. But I don't think it's for me. Yesterday I got up at 7:30, exercised, showered, and started a day of trying to be productive. My day included emptying the dishwasher and filling it again; washing the dishes that don't go in the dishwasher, drying them and putting them away; returning books at the library and checking out more; a run to the grocery store; setting up a pork roast in the crock pot; putting away the rest of the Christmas presents and miscellaneous detritus that has accumulated around the house; washing, drying, folding, and putting away about 5 loads of laundry; paying some bills; ordering more cat food; packing up the Christmas tree, ornaments, and decorations; trying to clean the smell of homemade onion rings out of the sofa; etc. etc. etc.

To be honest, it was okay to do all that for one day. But then I woke up today and, guess what, I'm home alone again with a bunch of chores to do! I remember the days when "playing house" was really fun. It was even really fun when I first moved into the dorms at ASU, and it was fun again when we first moved into our apartment. But the fun has faded... I cannot comprehend how anyone can stand to do this stuff all day long. This morning after running and showering, I got out my anatomy textbooks and notes from last semester and started studying again, just to make sure my brain still works. And you know what? The studying was really fun. And while I know I'll be able to get a lot of important stuff done during the next two weeks until spring semester starts, I really cannot wait to start learning again. Hang in there, brain, we'll make it through this!

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