Friday, January 30, 2009

Weather update

Well, the outside weather is improving - up to the high 40s/low 50s today. I could even walk from the anatomy building to my finance class without a jacket!

The weather inside the anatomy building, however, remains dismal. I came back to the cubes after finance to spend a few hours studying. After about an hour of huddling over my books while wearing my coat and gloves, I realized that I was contemplating putting on my hat, too, and it occurred to me that it was probably time to find a warmer place to study. So now I'm in the computer lab where space is more limited and an annoying girl is talking on her cell phone, but at least I can almost feel my fingers again...

1 comment:

  1. Today was summer in Moorhead! It was thirty-nine degrees outside, with a windchill of thirty-one degrees. It was AMAZING!!
