Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weather, weather

Colorado has strange weather. Last week, we had 3 or 4 days in the mid-60s. (Yes, it is January.) Then on Friday it dropped back down to normal temperatures (30s or so) and on Sunday/Monday we had a decent-sized snowstorm. Now it's back in the 50s.

But not only is the general Colorado weather pretty bipolar, but now so is the weather in the anatomy building where we have all of our classes. Reportedly, there is something wrong with the heating system. So in the cubes (where we keep our stuff, study, hang out, eat lunch, etc.), it's about 45 degrees, while the lecture hall is probably closer to 85 (and starting to smell quite unpleasantly like you crammed in 134 sweaty vet students together).

Here's hoping the nice mid-50s weather keeps up outside, and the anatomy building weather can get back to only a mild odor of B.O. in the anatomy hall and the normal, but bearable, amount of chill in the cubes.

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