Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Winter" in Colorado

Here in Colorado, they have this season they call "winter," but it's not anything like you'd expect if you were a born-and-raised Minnesotan like me. This year we've had a couple big snowfalls, one with probably 8-10 inches. But it hasn't stayed cold (meaning highs less than 32) for more than a couple days at a time. Every snowfall has melted within a couple days. It's a little unsettling for me -- what I'm used to from Minnesota is that once you have a real snowfall, it stays cold, frozen, and snowy until spring. This Colorado pattern of snowing-then-melting keeps making me feel like it's spring, again and again and again... Today the high temperature was in the low 60s (which turned out to be great for leaving the window open to air out the newly painted bedroom).

Really, I can't complain about this "winter weather"... it's just a little odd.

1 comment:

  1. We've had a windchill of 45 below for the last week... : P
