Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My "large animal outfit" is complete!

After a quick trip to an outdoor sports store this afternoon, my outfit for doing "large animal things" (i.e. going on my field trip on Friday) is now complete. Today's purchase was a pair of slip-on rubber boots (well, rubber shoe covers). At a cost of $30 (!) they better work out well! Unfortunately they were out of size small, so I went with a pair of mediums and I really, really hope I don't trip over the toes and end up facedown in a pile of manure. Really hope that doesn't happen. (But if it does, you can trust I'll write a post about it.)

A friend and I signed up to visit the sheep meat and fiber operation on Friday. Should be interesting! I think sheep are pretty cute. Hoping to be able to visit one of the dairies next time.

Anyway, I can't wait to see how red my face turns when I show up for the field trip dressed in boots and coveralls... gee, that won't look out of place on me at all! Ah well, gotta take the plunge sometime. Maybe someday it will seem like nothing unusual. (???)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't trip face down, either! Slippery stuff, that is, from the little experience I have with helping to load in the little pigs. I get in the way more than I help, but it sure is fun! Funny how we were brides together and are now talking manure?
