Monday, October 5, 2009

The ups and downs of my Monday

Today was a Monday full of pros and cons, positives and negatives, boos and bravos, yays and nays.

Up: Slept all the way through the night (which, thank goodness, is becoming a more common occurrence lately)

Down: Woke up to a gloomy morning and had to get out of bed and leave CLH asleep

Up: Made it through a grueling 19 minutes of jogging (tomorrow I'll do 20!)

Up: Packed an awesome lunch

Down: It was raining during my drive to school, resulting in an overabundance of what I've decided to start calling "noodlehead" drivers (because it's harder to yell "You noodlehead!" with a straight face than it is to yell some other remarks)

Up: Our new lecturer in Preventive Medicine was pretty awesome, and funny too -- although basically I would have been thrilled with anything that wasn't statistics

Up: Bioanalytical Pathology exam went really well -- I had felt pretty prepared for it, and I'm almost sure I got an 'A' -- there was only 1 question where I felt I sort of guessed between two answers, but it sounds like I guessed right

Up: Skipped management class

Down: Did not study tox at all during the lunch break, even though needing to study tox was my excuse for skipping management

Up: Found out that in recent years the tox professor has surprised the class on exam day or the day before and made it an open-note or take-home exam

Down: Found out that this year's juniors did terribly on the tox section of their capstone exam, so people are guessing we won't get a take-home exam tomorrow after all

Up: Ate my banana, canteloupe, strawberries, yogurt, and carrot. Yum!

Down: Spilled my entire Tupperware container of chicken parmesan, spaghetti, and pasta sauce all over my sweatshirt and jeans and the communal couch. Friends laughed.

Up: Chicken parmesan et al was still tasty after scooping it back into the container and reheating

Up: Achieved level 8 in Farmville and now can plant raspberries

Down: Was quizzed on tox material by a friend and failed miserably at coming up with 80% of the correct answers. Drop in self-esteem.

Up: Noticed the sun had come out!

Up: My preferred lecturer taught in Pharmacology

Up: Sounds like the format of the upcoming Pharm exam will be fair and not too terrible

Down: Tox professor rushed through about 30 new poisonous plants that we are supposed to learn/memorize before tomorrow's exam; no mention of it being open-book or take-home

Down: Spent several hours in the computer lab studying tox; did not get nearly as far as I needed to

Down: Gloomy again by the time I left school

Up: Got gas for $2.19/gallon

Down: Went to Sunflower and couldn't find 2 of the 3 things CLH asked me to get

Up: Did find a decent-looking cucumber at a reasonable price

Up: Remembered that Sunflower has the awesome watermelon-flavored licorice that I used to eat all the time in Arizona

Down: Could not find said licorice; maybe it is sold at Sprouts, not Sunflower?

Up: Got some tropical-flavored gummy bears and a tub of chocolate pecan clusters instead; sampled both on the way home and found them to be delicious

Down: Raining again on the way home; serious reappearance of noodlehead drivers (you would think that since these people can drive confidently through a snowstorm, a slight drizzle wouldn't bug them...)

Up: Saw the sneaky highway patrol car in time to drop 10 mph off my speed and avoid a ticket (which wouldn't be good since I lack proof of insurance and registration for the car.... gotta fix that)

Up: Remembered we're having lasagna for dinner. Yum!

Down: Found out that it was weird chicken lasagna with carrots and peppers. Yuck.

Down: 'A' and 'P' keys are hardly working on my laptop (try typing "laptop" with your 'A' and 'P' keys not working)

Up: Remembered that I don't have to go to class until 11 am tomorrow. Hooray for sleep, exercise, and extra study time!

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